
Data Lifeboat: NEH Grant Update 1

Our Data Lifeboat project has begun! Meet the crew, and the many, many questions...

Black and white photograph featuring a white woman blowing out candles on a birthday cake. She is surrounded by another seated woman and a man, standing behind her. On the photo is handwritten 'Nov 22-45' and 'Celebrating Marge's birthday'.

Sixteen years of Flickr Commons

An unidentified girl is seen in a goat cart

Reopening the doors to Flickr Commons

Two men standing by a bell which is significantly larger than either one of them, in a jungle setting

16. Just A Cool Bell

A small cat rubbing up against an old box camera

15. Cat Pictures, Mostly

The Rolling Stones playing a concert in a small auditorium. Mick Jagger is jumping in the air and the word DECCA is on the back brick wall in sans serif letter.

14. Celebrity Surprises

two women examine and put books into a box that says State Library of New South Wales Circulating Box

13. Knowledge in Motion – Book Transportation

a woman in a flight outfit standsby a small airplane. There is a medium sized dog sitting on the wing of the airplane next to her

12. Name That Aviatrix – Assembling Knowledge From Many Sources

a collection of young turkish children gather on a set of steps and look at the photographer

11. Showcasing Changes Over Time

Photograph of a man getting his head tattooed with a butterfly

10. Careful Curation for Serendipitous Discovery

illustration of a reddish seahorse

9. Increasing Access to Fragile Materials

A man laying on a beac with his head in his hands, shown looking slightly downward on the top of his head

8. Meeting the photographers

men at work building a lighthouse in the open ocean

7. Who Are Those People? Or pets? Or things?

A woman stands near a rock with an american flag waving overhead.

6. The Historical Boundaries of Washington D.C.

a man in a military uniform and a bushy mustache holds a piegon in his hand

5. Decorated War Pigeons