
Improving millions of files on Wikimedia Commons with Flickypedia Backfillr Bot

Our new bot improves metadata for Flickr photos on Wikimedia Commons, and makes it easier to find out which photos have been copied across.

Data Lifeboat Update 5: Prototypes and policy

More questions than answers, and that's a good thing.

The surprising utility of a Flickr URL parser

We’ve made a library that knows how to read lots of different forms of URL.

On the way to 100 years of Flickr

A report on archival strategies by Ashley Kelleher Skjøtt.

A bookshelf holds a small collection of art, tech and theory books. On top of the shelf is a coffee pot and mugs.

On being a research fellow

Jenn reflects on her six months working with the Flickr Foundation crew.

How does the Commons Explorer work?

Let’s dive under the hood and find out how the new Commons Explorer works.

Data Lifeboat Update 3: Legal stuff, workflow, and a day out.

Learning about physical lifeboat design, starting legal framework with C.A.R.E.

New! Flickr Commons Explorer

Browse around the wonderful Flickr Commons collection all in one place!

African American men and women posed for portrait on steps at Atlanta University, Georgia

Repurposing and Remixing Archival Images

Looking closer at a passing piece of pop culture.

A woman engineer connects flight deck control wires

Data Lifeboat: Deeper research into the challenge of archiving social media objects

Digital photography is worth collecting...but how?

Welcome, Eryk!

AI researcher and new media artist, Eryk Salvaggio joins as our first research fellow for 2024.

Data Lifeboat Update 2: More questions than answers

Sketches of software, the labyrinth of licensing, and the selection of standards.

color photograph of a black woman in a print dress holding a book looking up at the photographer

Black History Through Archival Images 2

More stories of carefully curated Flickr albums that tell us stories about Black history in the US.

Four young blackboys, three in 4h t-shirts, stand behind their prize-winning cow

Black History Through Archival Images

Many carefully curated Flickr albums tell us stories about Black history in the US.

Introducing Flickypedia, our first tool

Come and meet our first tool, Flickypedia!